If You Hadn't | Teen Ink

If You Hadn't

November 11, 2009
By SeanMoore GOLD, Campinas, Other
SeanMoore GOLD, Campinas, Other
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"if i had to choose between breathing and loving you, i would choose my last breath to say 'i love you'"-unknown

If you hadn’t looked my way,

I would have never been able to say I've seen an angel before.

If you hadn’t come to say hi,
I would have never known the voice of an angel.
if you hadn’t said yes,
I would never be able to say how god had blessed me.
If you hadn’t grabbed my hand,
I would never be able to say how heaven feels.
If you hadn’t kissed me for the first time,
I wouldn’t be able to feel us exchange each others souls!

If you hadn’t fought with me,
I would never be the better person I am today!

If you hadn’t stayed with me,
I would have known what it feels like to want ever so badly after something you cannot have.

If I hadn't ever seen you that night,
I would have never been able to say this...

“I love you”

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