This Heart | Teen Ink

This Heart

January 8, 2010
By GodsSonflower SILVER, Strawberry Plains, Tennessee
GodsSonflower SILVER, Strawberry Plains, Tennessee
5 articles 18 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing is as wonderful as knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have given up everything else and count it all as garbage. All I want is Christ -Philipians 3:8

Took my heart and cast it downward
Into the depths of my aching soul.
Crushed, bruised, throbbing, bleeding,
Destined to never again be whole.

O’ Splintered heart, where will you go?
Lost to the point of no return.
But still there yields a craving passion
That forever my heart will yearn

For until the love is to be found,
Among the gentleman few;
Desiring a companion, reckless abandon
Someone to turn this death anew.

It aspires something greater:
A purpose for each beat.
Where will I find this brave warrior?
When ever will we meet?

Pleasures many, pleasers few;
Never satisfied.
Only will my heart be happy,
If it will love the One who died

For all the wounds, all the pains
That caused the bleeding thus far.
He bandaged my heart, we’ll never part.
Jesus has all my scars.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I know that everyone has had a broken heart. But I also know that if we will turn to God's love, that love is eternal and will never fail us. He can heal our brokenness and make us new again.


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