Spiral | Teen Ink


October 25, 2010
By IansLover GOLD, Otisco, Indiana
IansLover GOLD, Otisco, Indiana
19 articles 9 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Moshimo anata kanarazu no naka de ai... ai to issho ni anata no kokoro soshite tamashii.&quot;<br /> <br /> (translation: If you fall in love.... Love with your heart and soul.)

See my blood
on the floor
keep me locked behind this door
I can't take this anymore
I cry to you
Then hit the floor

Fists clenched tight
Eyes closed too
Scream in the night
I scream for you
You left me
Alone again
This cannot be
Let it begin

Watch me spiral down
Spinning round and round
Waiting to hit the ground

As I fall from the sky
My wings are torn apart
Lost all hope to ever fly
Cuz you ripped out my heart

I sink so slow into this lie
Waiting to hit the floor
Shedding all the tears I cry
Lost forever more

Watch me spiral down
Spinning round and round
Waiting to hit the ground

I remember your eyes
I remember your hair
I remeber when you'd always be there
Now you're gone
Left me again
I'm losing myself
Let it begin

Watch me spiral down
Spinning round and round
Waiting to hit the ground
The ground


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