Ignorant | Teen Ink


January 18, 2012
By Wolfbarrier SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
Wolfbarrier SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The world is a play, the men and women are simply players. -Shakespeare-<br /> If male homosexuals are called gay, then female homosexuals should be called estatic.-Shelly Roberts-

Everyday people hurt, because of the words of others.
To others, their words are just, and they see no problem.
But the number of suicides climb higher and higher,
And they see it as a good thing.
But it is a problem, I believe it's even an illness,
And it's wedged itself into the minds of many. 
No one knows where it came from. 
Where it originated.
Where it was born. 
Perhaps it's been with us all along.
A hereditary disease. 
A silent, friendly plague. 
A soldier's death in vain as people protest his funeral.
A  man jumped to his death because another told him he was wrong to be gay.
Words hurt.
Words kill. 
And they don't even realize it.
To say, "They deserve it."
When did we become so hateful?
When was it okay to kill our fellow man because he's different?
When did this mental parasite latch onto our minds?
When did we become so ignorant?

The author's comments:
I think that this is something that very few talk about.

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