Too much to carry alone | Teen Ink

Too much to carry alone

March 11, 2012
By jenna morin BRONZE, Boliingbrook, Illinois
jenna morin BRONZE, Boliingbrook, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Is there reason to my confused sadness?
Always fights, load never to be lightened.
Constant tension with myself is madness.

No one here now feel complete loneliness
Through the door different realm breaths tightened
Is there reason to my confused sadness?

Keep it a secret pretend happiness
After darkness waiting to be brightened
Constant tension with myself is madness.

Movement all around me can’t breathe, coldness
Viewed as empty in my head, enlightened
Is there reason to my confused sadness?

Forced back and forth between this craziness
My secret anger out, senses heightened
Constant tension with myself is madness.

See my eyes missing the child like softness
To know my true thoughts she would be frightened
Is there reason to my confused sadness?
Constant tension with myself is madness.

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