Whta is Love? | Teen Ink

Whta is Love?

April 26, 2013
By TeamTrey SILVER, Ridgeland, South Carolina
TeamTrey SILVER, Ridgeland, South Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never judge the book by its cover

What is Love?
Passionate Affection and Desire
felt by lovers for each other. Their loves knew no boundaries.

Two lovers making snow angles on there hearts. Walking through a pond of roses knowing that their love want drown.

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Ouch, please don't drop my heart
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Love that strong we can with stand the scare.

Creativity is love. Not boring Not waisted But treasured love.
keep us together like an crowd full with diamonds and jewels.so I say What is Love?

The author's comments:
dedicated to those who haven't experienced love because i can truly and faithly say that i haven't experienced it as well. Together we can learn day by day, step by step, year by year. I'm encouraging you all to stand together as one as will I.

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