Melvin James Pritchett Subtitle: A Good Man | Teen Ink

Melvin James Pritchett Subtitle: A Good Man

November 25, 2013
By __0dd__ BRONZE, New Haven, Connecticut
__0dd__ BRONZE, New Haven, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life No regrets!

My father was a good man.He shown me what is takes to be a man.After surviving all of his troubles like dialysis and a coma. He shown me what is takes to be a man. Because my father was a good man. Showing me the true ways of life. How you should live without anyone hating you for what you have or what you need. My father was a good man. And I know he rests in peace. And one day I would like to give everyone a taste of what I had in my life. Because my father was a good man

The author's comments:
My dad had a great impact on my life. He really encouaged my to do my best even when others didn't. I couldn't have made it to my 12th grade year in high school without him, so I named this poem after him.

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