We Own The Night | Teen Ink

We Own The Night

January 14, 2009
By Anonymous

Darkness fades to morning sunlight now, Ghouls, vampires, werewolves, go to sleep my friends, The dawn is not a place for us, you know. At the break of dawn, our day ends. By day, we sleep so sound, our secret sealed. By night, we rise with silence, never heard. We dash over road and stream, lake and field. Our lives without light, speaking only mute words. Crimson eyes glow dully, passing in the night. The wolves how at the moon, envoking rage. White fangs reveal their lives tonight.The night is lovely, in this day and age.
Come brothers, come sisters, show your true might!
Come one, come all, for this day,

The author's comments:
This was written for my English 10 poetry project, and the teacher, Mrs. Fisher, told me not to write my normal dark style, so I tried to maintain my style, without being overly gory, or depressing.

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