I'm a Baby | Teen Ink

I'm a Baby

January 30, 2009
By mycuteemogirl DIAMOND, Camillus, New York
mycuteemogirl DIAMOND, Camillus, New York
52 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Put on my diaper.
Put in my pacifier.
Put on my dress.
Over my onesie.
On go my booties
with Mommy to help.
I crawl around and play with my toys.
Mommy says its time to eat.
Up to my high chair.
After I eat I need to be changed.
I get put on the table and my diaper is off.
The wipes and powder go on to me.
I'm fresh and clean.
The day gets later.
And I grow sleepy.
Mommy puts me in my crib and reads me a story.
As the story wraps up and I drift off to sleap.
Mommy kiss my head "I love you, sweetie"

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