Glance | Teen Ink


December 18, 2015
By emilywhitaker16 BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
emilywhitaker16 BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At first glance,

You were nothing but friendly,

But then you earned yourself a chance,

And you became lovely.


As you began to advance,

I kept thinking you were funny,

Which made being with you like a prance,

Where you're warm and cuddly.



Never losing your proper stance,

And never playing too roughly,

Making me wish we could dnace,

Despite that I'm clumsy.



I'm not sure how this became a romance,

But I'm glad you make me happy.

Your mind, soul, and body put me in a trance.


The author's comments:

I don't remember exactly who I wrote this piece about but I do remember that at the time my guy friend and I began to grow really close and I developed a crush on him. At the time I thought he liked me back, but later I learned he was just toying with my emotions. The best way for me to get how I felt was to write this poem.


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