firends are always there for you | Teen Ink

firends are always there for you

February 11, 2009
By katrina ortiz BRONZE, Broooklyn, New York
katrina ortiz BRONZE, Broooklyn, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Friends are there when no one isnt.
then come to stay or just to visit.
They love to make you smile.And you love when their around.
they get you threw your sunny days and always sheild you from the rain.
their there when get your feelings hurt.
even if they knew it wouldnt work.
they keep it real never fake and they love to help you with your mistakes.
they wipe your tears and share your fears.
they laugh with you not at you.
their there when your feeling blue.No matter what it comes to friends are always there for you.

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