Embrace The End | Teen Ink

Embrace The End

April 17, 2016
By MegDoe SILVER, Clifton Park, New York
MegDoe SILVER, Clifton Park, New York
9 articles 5 photos 0 comments

The sky once blue, is now dark. A thick black integument of ash covered the eiderdown of blue which once took it’s place. The blackness of the smog consumed the space around my body, and the toxic smell congested my nostrils. I lay almost lifeless on the charred marble ground, my legs, ceasing to exist. I attempted to lift an arm, a hand, or a finger, but all of my limbs, of which still remained,  were numb.
My insidious surroundings corresponded with my revulsion, and terror. Flames, and the corpses of my once alive acquaintances fed my fear. I immediately thought of what had become of my family. Was it possible they survived? The uneasiness erupted inside of me, and a tear fell from my eye. Little did I know, that tear was the last pure water I would see. Precisely at that moment, a black drip of a thickened liquid fell from the ruins above me. Then another, from the black clouds. As the feeling matured in my limbs, and I was able to move, I shuffled to the nearest protection. I knew it was unwise to ingest the aqueous, no matter how much it had called to me. I look to my shattered watch as the sky grows darker, and the rain grows weaker. The hands were no longer moving and anyways, the only light source are the flames, which do not shrink.
I told myself to sleep, though it may have killed me, there was nothing more to lose. As I slept to the sound of silence blended with the flames which killed the innocent, I wondered what barbarians would cause this appalling calamity.
I saw the sunshine, and beside it, my family. My son, and my wife. I tried to run towards it, but a wall of fire blocked me from it. Then, a bright flash, blazing brighter, and hotter than the sun: bursts, and in an instant, the sun dies, and I look for my family, but they were gone, and gray ash lay where they once were. I do nothing but yell towards the sky.
When I awoke, the sun remained invisible, and the fire seemed to have ebbed. Black puddles surrounded me, and their wetness cried out to me. I knew there was a price to this mysterious substance. It came only after the pernicious force. I knew I would not be able to crawl away from the fire and corpses. Ashen figures went in every direction, but in every direction, there were people going the opposite way. People began to drink from the black puddles, but I was not strong enough to warn them not to. To my right,  a block away there was a river, which now is full of bodies. People surrounded it, pushing, climbing, and drowning each other, to get a sip of the water, which was slowly being corrupted by the blackness of the rain.To my left was a crying mother and father who did not know where their children were, and had lost hope.
In front of me is a blazing fire, that grows closer. Now, there is nothing more I can do. I take my last breath, and open my arms. I am ready to embrace the fire.

The author's comments:

In war, people don't realize until it's too late, the pain they have caused amongst innocent people.

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