When I Lost Her | Teen Ink

When I Lost Her

March 16, 2009
By stephanie_miranda PLATINUM, Reston, Virginia
stephanie_miranda PLATINUM, Reston, Virginia
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

When I lost her

My heart crumbled

In to fragments

So many things

I never got the chance to say'

I never got to see you dance

I never got to hear you sing

So in memory of you this poem

Is from me to you

I see you stand in the moonlight

So happy and joyful

I hear you laugh

Like I never did before

I see you out shine

All the stars in the sky

And I see your face

Light up in my head

In memory of all

The joy you brought me

This song is for you

You made us feel so wanted

You made us feel so loved

It really hurts to know

You're gone and that we won't

Hear your voice or see your smile

That use to brighten up our day

I still can't believe you're gone

Your spirit still lives on and

Has a lasting impression on all our hearts

So every time I read this poem

I'm thinking of you and I'll

Always be happy

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