Her Eyes | Teen Ink

Her Eyes

March 16, 2009
By stephanie_miranda PLATINUM, Reston, Virginia
stephanie_miranda PLATINUM, Reston, Virginia
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Her eyes blue as the ocean glitter like the beautiful waters of the sea.
Her eyes show compassion.
Her eyes show emotion.
Sad, mad, happy, fear.
They are so easy to read.
So easy to understand and relate to.
They show courageousness and a brave soul, but never weakness.
They are the reason I am right here because they give me reason to go on.
I just look in to them and know what to do.
They guide me and show me right from wrong.
They light the path of greatness and inspire me to do the same.
I aspire to be like her and guide someone's path to greatness someday.
I am her.

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