Venture | Teen Ink


May 1, 2017
By Gracie S BRONZE, San Angelo, Texas
Gracie S BRONZE, San Angelo, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Venture into the dark, dark land.
Canopied in trees,
Not a hand could guide you, not a hand.

The adventure is grand,
The trees never feel a breeze
Venture into the dark, dark, land.

The cold winds leave a brand
Then a freeze
Not a hand could guide you, not a hand.

Against the sky, you stand
Fighting the unease
Venture into the dark, dark, land.

This is not going as planned,
And you remember with ease,
Not a hand could guide you, not a hand.

You know it is banned,
But it pushes you to the trees
Venture into the dark, dark land.
Not a hand could guide you, not a hand.

The author's comments:

This Poem is a villanelle.


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