Loves Me, Loves Me Not | Teen Ink

Loves Me, Loves Me Not

January 10, 2018
By LiveFromNewYork SILVER, Frederick, Maryland
LiveFromNewYork SILVER, Frederick, Maryland
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If you want to be happy, be.&quot;<br /> -Leo Tolstoy

Lovers fair through all of time

Have been committing callous crimes.

My comrades have been maimed and harmed

Yet somehow no one seems alarmed!

They pick us all, those little snots

And say “She loves me, loves me not”.


They must imagine us clairvoyant

As they rip petals off, flamboyant.

Destroying nature’s fragrant jewels,

Just thinking of themselves, the fools.

It’s common sense they have forgot

Moaning “he loves me, loves me not”


Perhaps we’ll start a revolution,

Fight back, hurt THEM in retribution! 

These lovers, young and so naive,

In flower petals they believe!

Alas, I feel my heart go soft

When they sigh “loves me, loves me not”.

The author's comments:

This idea came to me in chemistry class, and I knew I just had to write it!


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