If Only a Rose Could Talk | Teen Ink

If Only a Rose Could Talk

February 9, 2018
By SarahETonkin BRONZE, Dudley, Massachusetts
SarahETonkin BRONZE, Dudley, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was walking home one night
Down the familiar lane
When I saw something in the light
Ruined from the rain

A singular red rose
Layed flattened and dejected
From a lover, I suppose
A lover that was rejected

This rose has a story to share
Because everything has one
So I took the minute I had to spare
To imagine the story this rose spun

A man went to the flower shop
Filled with great faith
And picked this rose from atop
The great display case

To give to the woman he loved
With all of his heart
His precious turtledove,
His darling sweetheart

But this symbol of devotion
Wasn’t thanked with a kiss
But rather with no emotion
Just an angry hiss

His world, his everything, his queen
Refused his loving gift
Ripping his heart out clean
With movements quick and swift

She threw the rose out the window,
Leaving it and their love to rot
In the streets below
In this very spot

That I came across while strolling
Along the sidewalk.
Oh the story this rose would be telling,
If only a rose could talk

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