Be Afraid to Join Me | Teen Ink

Be Afraid to Join Me

May 18, 2018
By Distance_Fly_Rocks BRONZE, Park City, Utah
Distance_Fly_Rocks BRONZE, Park City, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"School is important, but swimming is importanter

Where darkness lurks in every corner
And fear becomes the devil's meal
Where you change yourself to a mourner
And couldn’t keep the listeners deal

The hole you dug becomes deeper
As they pry you from the truth
You stay awake but the one sleeper
Tries to take away your youth

6 feet down and tears are shed
You hear them calling your name
Trying to wake up but you can’t get out of the bed
That they put you in to change your game

You think you will float up to heaven
But is that even a place?
Instead, you bring yourself down
In your new home that is small in space

Those who make it don’t need it
Except for you in that tiny box
Those who have it don’t know it
Being surrounded by small rocks

If I knew it would feel this lonely
I would have been cremated instead
But for now, I have to feel myself rot
And wait for my loved ones to join me when they’re dead.

The author's comments:

I asked my friend to give me one word. She said "Nothing".

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