Populism | Teen Ink


September 2, 2018
By StellaCrush BRONZE, Athens, Other
StellaCrush BRONZE, Athens, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions be louder than your words~

Trying to escape the economic cage 
Surviving the starvation wage
Aching from crisis
We’re hiding from Isis
Guided like dolls
Playing silly roles
We want to take some action
It’s time for a reaction 
The Public has some rights
For which it always fights
We’re trying as a whole 
We have only one goal 
We want to take control
Our voices have blurred 
We want them to be heard 
There’s nothing more to fear
The end is now near
There’s nothing more to say 
You just have to obey

The author's comments:

After dealing with the concept of populism I was inspired to express my own point of view upon this indisputably essential issue that has lead to global corruption.

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