The dark lady | Teen Ink

The dark lady

January 26, 2019
By nimmi2001 BRONZE, Kurunegala, Other
nimmi2001 BRONZE, Kurunegala, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am only me for me and forever

Every night from midnight to dawn,

She wakes up sits and yawn, 

Her straight black hair lent down,

and through out the night in a frown.


As she frowns she gets an urgency,

to go to the loo and have satisfactory,

when she does,she scolds angrily,

Alas! the woman of devilry.


Her bottom and belly,

which rotates in degrees,

it makes us feel grisly,

but the woman still doesn't see reality.


Her heart is all cold,

but thinks that she is gold,

She will never fold,

Although she is old.

The author's comments:

This poem is all about a woman that I had to spend my time with...almost two years...

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