Sirens Song | Teen Ink

Sirens Song

July 30, 2019
By silly.squid BRONZE, West Jordan, Utah
silly.squid BRONZE, West Jordan, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I feel there is nothing more artistic than loving people," Vincent Van Gogh

I am not lost, I have no home

I sit upon my golden throne.

The crown of glass, placed on my head

Holds me down, chains of lead

And when my voice starts to break

Cover my ears for my own sake

I am not lost, for I have no home

I will sit upon my golden throne

My crown of glass, sits atop my head

And holds me back with chains of lead

And when my voice starts to sing

The souls of many it starts to bring

I am lost, I had a home

I lay behind my golden throne

The crown I wear, of shattered glass

Tells me I am the lowest class

And when i’m silent, watch and see

How much more there is to me

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