Learning | Teen Ink


June 1, 2021
By FaySaysHi GOLD, Tomball, Texas
FaySaysHi GOLD, Tomball, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

is what I receive 
from you.
wrapped in
pretty ribbons
and surface level beauty.
Your love, sugary sweet
coated your tongue
filling my stomach
with butterflies and
head with dizzying
I thought our souls could
Despite the distance.
That the soul could fly 
to wherever they were
meant to be.
You dreamt of me.
Even though,
I’m not what you 
really needed.
I thought I needed
to make you happy.
But at least I was happy too.
For a little bit.
Maybe, the sparks that
flew between us.
As we soared through the clouds.
Were only 
breathless awes
meant to distract us.
From the inner
seeping through the skys.
Everything was now
too cloudy to see.
So I stepped away
in fear of the thunder.
But, part of me yearned that
I had stayed for 
the fantastical show of
the lightning storm.

The author's comments:

A past situation that taught me it's okay to walk way and paint your own fantastical story. Please check out some of my other poems (optional of course).

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