Timetable Soulmates | Teen Ink

Timetable Soulmates

June 1, 2021
By FaySaysHi GOLD, Tomball, Texas
FaySaysHi GOLD, Tomball, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Time is of the essence 

they say.

So we run and hop

between obstacles.

Trying to find our footing on

the crumbling uneven pavement.

The farther we run 

the more it seems to



My knees are sore, we say.

So, a seat we take.

The bypassers only give

a scornful glance.

Judgment felt from a mile away.

Getting up is a dizzying mess.

Heat seems to rise off our cheeks.

Our breath is ragged,

knees still sore,

but, at least

I still have 


The author's comments:

Fan of romance and thought these characters are adorable. I'm so sorry for the predetermined expectations of society. I know life can be tough, but at least there are always people to take and give a shoulder to.

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