Candy & Children. A Sweet Combo. | Teen Ink

Candy & Children. A Sweet Combo.

June 1, 2021
By FaySaysHi GOLD, Tomball, Texas
FaySaysHi GOLD, Tomball, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Candy, so saccharine.

All the kids seem to scream.

For it of course.

Or of the lackadaisical 

van cruising with

lively greens,

happy yellows,

and playful oranges.

So kids come out to 

get a small taste

of their favorite 

sweet treat.

So sour, 

it makes them scream.

For the van 

is coated in sour poison.

Dripping with menace

taking away all the greens


And the happy yellows 

happy at first, 

the sweet seems

to take 

a bitter turn.

The playful orange of the van

bring the kids out to play

but the only thing

that continues to play is 

the van. 

The blissful turned agony

scream of candy, 

fades away.

So, so does the van.

The author's comments:

I was suggested to write about candy from a friend. Thought about Halloween and the thought just flowed. Piece was interesting to me because it felt like a horror poem in a twisted way. Anyways, stay safe y'all! Feel free to check out my other works (optional of course). 

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