Return to Me | Teen Ink

Return to Me

February 17, 2022
By Me2008 PLATINUM, Houghton, New York
Me2008 PLATINUM, Houghton, New York
23 articles 106 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
And one day, the girl with the books became the woman writing them.

Imagine your a warrior

With a mighty steed

A faithful fighter

Works to give us what we need

A land of joy and peace

Where we can all be free

But soon I'll stop imagining

And return to being me

Return to me 

Return to me

Return to being me.

Imagine your an artist

Painting in the ocean breeze

A creator of masterpieces

Seeing things no one else sees

A flower in the desert

Or a bridge across the sea,

But soon I’ll stop imagining 

And return to being me

Return to me

Return to me

Return to being me.

Imagine your a person

In a world with no more needs.

A perfect place of rest

Where good always succeeds.

A place of peace and life

Where joyful is a guarantee.

But soon I’ll stop imagining 

And return to being me

Return to me

Return to me

Return to being me.

Imagine there's a day

When no one ever cries or bleeds,

Where no one hurts inside or out

And we do no misdeeds.

When those perfect days arrive 

And kindness prospers like a tree,

I won’t need to stop imagining

‘Cause that is all I want to be.

I won’t need to stop imagining 

And return to being me.

Return to me

Return to me

Return to being me.

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