Anxiety | Teen Ink


May 18, 2023
By Gage-Myers SILVER, Lambertville, Michigan
Gage-Myers SILVER, Lambertville, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Anxiety, you are like a cold breeze,

As soon as you hit you give me an unsettling feeling,

It's like polar winds where I don't know when you´ll strike,

All you know is that I can't wait for it to end,

It's the feeling of standing on stage in front of thousands,

It's the feeling of wanting to rip your heart out of your chest,

It's where every heartbeat feels like a gunshot,

It may only last a few minutes,

But in that moment it feels like a century,

Until the end where you´re sweaty and trying to regain breathe,

Then when you're done and go to your seat,

There you will sit and accept defeat.

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