Questions | Teen Ink


October 4, 2023
By Me2008 PLATINUM, Houghton, New York
Me2008 PLATINUM, Houghton, New York
23 articles 106 photos 27 comments

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And one day, the girl with the books became the woman writing them.

Is life about the little thoughts and moments that pass by?

Or should our goals be bigger things to do before we die?

Should we strive to keep on moving ‘til we’re just about to break?

Is life a gift we get to give or one we have to take?

Is love a thing to give for free or is it bought and won?

And will it start to fade away before it’s yet begun?

Is loving for the weak or for the strongest of us all?

And should we try to climb back up if we begin to fall?

As life continues onward, what if we should fall behind?

Do we accept the kindness from another of our kind?

Or do we go on all alone until our lives are done?

And keep ourselves alive somehow from rise to setting sun?

And if we do, what then is our existence all about?

If not to save another's soul from loneliness and doubt?

If not to grasp for comfort from the friends along the way,

And in return to thank them for their comfort day by day?

If not to find another life and share it with your own?

And in that love to thrive, to grow, to nurture seeds you’ve sown?

If not to go on seeking what existence means to you,

What then for all eternity are humans meant to do?

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