Sunset | Teen Ink


November 5, 2023
By Rong_Huang BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
Rong_Huang BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
3 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
”Omnia mutantur, nihil interit.”


The golden hour.

The time of day with a symphony of colors.


Of clouds trimmed with gold

Of silhouettes of birds dark in the sky

Of nothing but the hustle and bustle of people after a day of work.


The sky was a blank canvas.

And the sun?

The paintbrush with smooth strokes.


The light reflecting.

The beauty blinding.

The silence ringing.

The author's comments:

I stood on my balcony (almost) every afternoon in the hour of sunset. Everything happened so fast, and I would just sit down with my camera, watching the colors change and, eventually, disappear into the endless dark.

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