A Demise of Delight | Teen Ink

A Demise of Delight

July 30, 2024
By jwkdenl BRONZE, Seoul, Other
jwkdenl BRONZE, Seoul, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bouncing off smooth glassy

ebon blue water, moonlight

shines. Other times, Selene

sheens, gleams, glancing

and dancing off serene

breezes and zephyr-rippled

waters. But distinction lies 

in fog of age, where weariness

dulls the light, until respite

comes from darkness. It is

then the daily rise of softly

floating cantalouped light

captured by percipience,

travels by flicks, and strokes,

deft brushes, rushing onto

canvas where, to my delight,

I observe it before time

befalls, alarm bells ring,

awaken and beckon me

to bow and bid a blurring

climate and all in it good night,

godspeed, and a final fare-thee-well.

The author's comments:

Kaden Lee is a poet from South Korea who draws inspiration from the natural world and the impact of climate change on personal health and well-being. Living with asthma, Kaden's work often reflects the intersection of environment and personal experience, seeking emotional catharsis through poetry.

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