Hello World | Teen Ink

Hello World

March 28, 2012
By SlamMyPoetry GOLD, Lexington, Kentucky
SlamMyPoetry GOLD, Lexington, Kentucky
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Death is the greatest form of love."-Charles Manson

Hello world,
I’m new here.
I don’t know anyone,
Or anything.
I will learn,
But I will need help.

Hello world,
Its been a while.
I know more now,
Because I am older.
You have taught me much,
But I still don’t know all.

Hello world,
How are you?
I’m soon to be a grandmother,
As you already know.
I have learned much,
In my long years.
Thank you world,
For all your help.

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