Tribute To Mom | Teen Ink

Tribute To Mom

May 13, 2012
By SlamMyPoetry GOLD, Lexington, Kentucky
SlamMyPoetry GOLD, Lexington, Kentucky
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Death is the greatest form of love."-Charles Manson

When no one’s around,
And your hearts stuck to the ground,
Then family splits apart,
Dad disappears into the dark,
Who’s still there?

When there are bills to pay,
And the children want to play,
Who has to do it on her own,
While the grass still needs to be mowed?
Who is it?

Who is there to provide,
In whom will you confide,
Who will always take your side,
When life hits a rough time?
Tell me now,

Who do you trust,
When secrets are a must?
With whom do you laugh,
Who still wants a baby calf?
Say it with me now,

Who thinks you’re completely lazy,
But is still cool while being crazy?
Who’s there to wipe tears from your eyes,
When your first love says goodbye?
Let me hear it,

Who’s there when you’re uncertain,
As to which side you should be flirtin’?
Who’s there after a fight,
When you need everything to be alright?
Come on,

Who isn’t afraid to yell and scream,
But is still totally green?
Who is innovative,
And not afraid if you’re a bit creative?
That wonderful woman,

Who do you know that always has your back,
Even if you don’t know where she’s at?
Who is there when things get tough,
And who do we all still truly love?
The best women in our lives,

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