Sensitive | Teen Ink


May 18, 2012
By Wolfbarrier SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
Wolfbarrier SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The world is a play, the men and women are simply players. -Shakespeare-<br /> If male homosexuals are called gay, then female homosexuals should be called estatic.-Shelly Roberts-

Ever since I was little, people called me dumb.
So much that when I hear it, I feel a little numb.
But it doesn't matter. The way I feel inside.
Cause I'm stupid. I don't know why I try to hide.

Before, I used to scream. Before, I used to cry.
Looking back, I don't know why I gave a try.
Because hearing for so long, you realize they are right.
Now when they laugh, I don't even try to put up a fight.

I don't know who to hate more. Them or myself.
We are all pitiful, disgusting little shells.
I bleed, they laugh. Really, what is the purpose?
Maybe it's an act to hide what's underneath the surface.

One day went a bit too far, and my breathing became shallow.
I panicked and tried to grasp harder to live.
Eventually I stopped, and in this feeling I began to wallow.
"This is because I am so sensitive."

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