Poppop's Pond | Teen Ink

Poppop's Pond

July 23, 2012
By samantha_rae SILVER, Perkasie, Pennsylvania
samantha_rae SILVER, Perkasie, Pennsylvania
6 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don&#039;t write, because our culture has no use for it.&rdquo; <br /> ― Ana&iuml;s Nin

Here I sit,
the familiar wooden raft beneath me,
I am not alone.

The late afternoon sun reflects off the water,
gleaming as fish jump
and bring the ripple effect to the still,
murky pond water.

Daisies dance in the slight breeze,
mixing the scent of fresh cut grass and pure mountain air.
Forever a smell, hard to forget.

The sun over the mountaintop,
and birds singing in the trees, I feel at home.
By the water’s edge, I smile.
I smile at the cat tails and tall grasses blowing.
I smile at the sound of the frogs
and frequent splashes as they dive under the cloudy surface.
I smile at the memory of casting my line,
the tug on my pole,
and the satisfaction of even the smallest sunny.

Here I sit,
but I am not alone.
By the water’s edge,
Poppop’s memory is never far away.

The author's comments:
Years after the loss of my grandfather, I don't grieve anymore as much as I remember the good times. Although some situations are different, I hope others would be able to relate to my point of view.

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