The Evil Inside | Teen Ink

The Evil Inside

January 17, 2013
By nickydafs BRONZE, Monroe, Connecticut
nickydafs BRONZE, Monroe, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's not about giving up as much
as it is an acceptance of many things.
Some good, some not so good, some evil.
Thoughts racing in my mind, yet the winner
isn't always the one that reaches the finish line in time.

It's not about the pain and suffering as much
as a single, lonely question: Will it end? Or worse,
will it continue? And if so, for how long? These thoughts
keep me up at night, along with a lot of other things.
Many people run through the methods of escape like clockwork,
whereas for others it is something that rarely breaks the cold, steel
bars encompassing their thoughts. A prison for the mind.

It's not about..well, I can't say I do know what it's about.
But from my experiences and from what I've learned, I know
to make the best of a situation, and life is the biggest situation
we will ever face. Drowning myself in sorrows and hoping an answer
will come to me like an envelope slipped under a door is one solution,
or there's another. Make something of the situation, and try to better yourself,
or wallow in your depression and wait around. Your choice, I've made mine.

The author's comments:
A poem about dealing with pain and suffering and choosing to act upon it instead of waiting for it to heal itself.

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