Time Tree | Teen Ink

Time Tree

January 22, 2013
By C.Woosley BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
C.Woosley BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Wisdom is not a product of schooling, but of the lifelong attempts to acquire it -Albert Einstien

Time has past for me
And it will for you

Nothing anyone can do
Will slow how the time tree


The seed is harmless
And has not proved its worth

But from birth
It changes and isn’t helpless


The small plant will absorb
What it is given

But is driven
To do what it cannot ignore


The new tree takes
And does not care

And challenges the air
Which none can break


Withering wise trees remember
Helplessness and innocence

But now they feed the young’s ignorance
And allow the time to forever,


The author's comments:
A fitting metaphor for time. Trees grow and fade like man. The only difference is that man learns as he grows

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