The Irony of Life | Teen Ink

The Irony of Life

January 30, 2013
By oreosnarfer BRONZE, Luxemburg, Wisconsin
oreosnarfer BRONZE, Luxemburg, Wisconsin
2 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Quite frankly my dear, I don&#039;t give a damn.&quot;<br /> ~Gone with the Wind

Life is very strange
and gives us many things to ponder
the only thing we can do
is let our imaginations wander.

There are so many questions to be answered
that we cannot keep our mind closed
for example, if a cow laughed
would milk come out its nose?

It's questions like those
that can make us feel dumb
including how olive oil is made from olives
but then where does baby oil come from?

Things tend to be very ironic
including very well
how our nose runs
and our feet smell.

Life is very strange
and gives us many things to ponder
the only thing we can do
is let out imaginations wander.

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