Forget | Teen Ink


April 15, 2013
By Clare Ruddy BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Clare Ruddy BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You're a completely different person.
I can see it in your face.
Even when we're near each other,
There's an empty, lonely space.

I can see it in your smile,
That the happiness is lost.
And it doesn't take a while
To remember at a cost.

I can hear it in your laughter,
There's a void that we have built.
And I hope that you feel sorry
That I'm only feeling guilt.

You're a completely different person,
But I don't seem to break a sweat.
Because it's easier to stand around And pretend like we

The author's comments:
When friends lose each other, they seem to pretend like their precious memories are forgotten. Only if there was a way to prevent this.

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