Blue Eyes | Teen Ink

Blue Eyes

June 11, 2013
By Jordyn Cohen SILVER, New City, New York
Jordyn Cohen SILVER, New City, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Slowly, she begins to open her eyes to the start of a brand new day
Reaching for the snooze button her fingertips graze the coldness of the petals
Picking up her head she looks through the long rectangular mirror across the room, noticing the flowers placed beside her
She assumes he’s left for work already since the flowers were a regular thing
They always meant “I’m sorry,” never just because
She knew he wasn’t a ‘just because’ kind of guy since the day she fell in love
But hoped as they began to share their life together, someday he’d come around
His deep blue eyes never seize to amaze her
Just don’t let them fool you as they did fool her
There is a fine line between love and hate
And she walks it everyday
When she thinks of love she remembers the young man he used to be
Innocent and hanging on her every word
Allowing her to fall in love but he is no longer that same person, angry and hardened by the years
How does she find the balance yet where does she draw the line
Does love overpower hate
The answers to these question lie within her
But she hopes there are more good days than bad
And only time will tell
She can’t look to him to bring her the balance
For that is something she seeks on her own
She’s always known you can love someone yet hate someone at the same time
Because she lives it everyday
The flowers next to her bed would remain her struggle

The author's comments:
This poem is based on the balance between love and hate in ones relationship.

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