My Apologies | Teen Ink

My Apologies

September 19, 2013
By ginac21 SILVER, New City, New York
ginac21 SILVER, New City, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I finally realize I’m to blame,
I’ve had the time to think it through,
And now I feel put to shame.

I never wanted to play this game,
I didn’t even think you knew,
I finally realize I’m to blame.

Into my world, you suddenly came,
I have never felt what I felt with you,
And now I feel put to shame.

I didn’t think you’d ever feel the same,
I’m sorry that what you’ve heard is true,
I finally realize I’m to blame.

No, it’s not you, I’m the one you can frame,
With time apart, you grew,
And now I feel put to shame.

I’m even afraid of who I became,
Now it’s no longer just us two,
I’ve finally realized I’m to blame,
And now I feel put to shame.

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