To My Mistress | Teen Ink

To My Mistress

December 31, 2013
By 343shernandez SILVER, El Cajon, California
343shernandez SILVER, El Cajon, California
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Time and effort and sweat don&#039;t betray you.<br /> Only a loser will put the blame on bad luck.<br /> &quot;Miracle&quot; is another word for hard work.

I sit here waiting on Your shelf,
While You put Him on that pedestal

You come in bruises and tears
Your swollen eyes have that look
In seconds, I am in your hands

You have new needles, You have new pins
My button eyes and stitched frown
cannot express My anguish

No matter how battered and mangled My body becomes,
no matter if I fall apart,
You still find purpose in what you do to it

Before, I offered My flesh to You;
I devoted Myself to what heals You

But when will I heal?
I would have turned back the Hands
I would have made Him give You His Heart
The tears He made You cry, I would have cried them for You
I was Your adherent, who would take any pains from You

Now it’s over
You may have new thread
You can stitch Your Heart time and time again

There He will be on His pedestal
Stealing My words, tainting them as He has tainted My Name,
to veil Your punctures, Your wounds, Your trauma
And You will let Him stitch You up

But now I have the scissors

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece after watching the music video for VOODOO DOLL by VIXX. As this song is in Korean, I watched the video not knowing exactly what the lyrics meant. I absolutely loved the video, and I had already made assumptions of what the band was singing. I was only disappointed by the ending, in which the woman's victims do not escape her voodoo, as in DBSK's Mirotic video. I checked the translation, and, sure enough, the men play a submissive role. I wanted to have the victims become the heroes, so I wrote this piece. As I continued to write, I remodeled it into a different story in which the voodoo doll takes matters into his own hands in the subject of his mistress's abusive relationship. I hope people take from my poem the value of those whom we lean on and the effects our situations have on them as a third party.

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