Emily | Teen Ink


January 12, 2014
By Clerds BRONZE, Geneva, Georgia
Clerds BRONZE, Geneva, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
People say I'm weird, because I talk to trees and animals. That's okay, though - I have more fun than most people. - Bob Ross

Don't you know that I don't hate you?
I understand it, babe, I know
And, yes, I'm broken, but I know that you are happy and that's all I ever wanted for you.
Don't you know that I still love you?
But I will never let that show
Because I know that you feel guilty and I'm broken inside,
But I want all of your dreams to come true.
Don't you know that I don't blame you?
I mean, to her you can’t say no
And yes I'm crying, but I know inside you're flying
And I'd do the same if I were in your shoes.
Won't you please just stop the crying?
It's not your fault you're moving on
And yes, I know that I was working, I was trying
But I knew what would happen all along.

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