The Piano | Teen Ink

The Piano

January 13, 2014
By brynmorgan__ SILVER, Liberty Township, Ohio
brynmorgan__ SILVER, Liberty Township, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I saw you, I fell in love; and you smiled, because you knew.

I have a secret.
A minor obsession.
A thing that can free me
From any oppression.

I have a muse
To which I can flee.
One touch of a key,
And it sings to me.

I can tell stories
Without saying a word.
No misconceptions.
No meanings misheard.

Without any music
My world would prove duller.
But with black and white,
I can make color.

I've got a secret.
A guilty little pleasure
Because to my piano,
Simply nothing can measure.

The author's comments:
Just a little rhyme about my love for the piano!

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