The Girl Who Smiled | Teen Ink

The Girl Who Smiled

January 13, 2014
By brynmorgan__ SILVER, Liberty Township, Ohio
brynmorgan__ SILVER, Liberty Township, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I saw you, I fell in love; and you smiled, because you knew.

She hides her pain
Behind her smile.
Her laugh alone
Could take you miles.

You'd never know.
She'd never tell
How her life
Has been a hell.

Mayday, mayday!
Now she drowns.
Sinking slowly.
Happy now.

Leaving here,
Away from this.
A quiet nothing.
A deadly bliss.

No one knows
What happened there.
No one knew
Of her despair.

Mayday, mayday!
They shed their tears.
For a beautiful girl
They'd known for years.

She'd always been
The girl who smiled.
The one whose laugh
Could take you miles.

Whatever happened
To the girl they knew?
To the girl whose laugh
Was never true?

Now she is gone
Just like a dream
And they all wish
They'd heard her scream.

Goodbye, farewell
To the happiest girl.
As she is no longer
A part of this world.

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