A Rainbow | Teen Ink

A Rainbow

January 27, 2014
By xXPrinceXx BRONZE, Pfafftown Nc, North Carolina
xXPrinceXx BRONZE, Pfafftown Nc, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In this sky I see a rainbow
I see a series of colors all working as one
I see a vision for the future as bright as the sun
I see this one hope that can't be undone

In this sky I see a dream
I see black and white, and straight and gay
I see none of these things in our way
I see a chance for peace one day

In this sky I see the Rainbow's end
I see our undoing, our ultimate destruction
I see our meaningless hate as an obstruction
I see we all have fell to hate's seduction

In this sky I see this rainbow
I see colorful, hopeful chance
I see we can all still make a stance
I recognize happiness for all in just this glance

The author's comments:
Just feel like we can spend our time better than hating on each other.

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