school | Teen Ink


January 30, 2014
By Nysa Aziz SILVER, Kuala Lumpur, Other
Nysa Aziz SILVER, Kuala Lumpur, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The teacher stood with pen in hand
"What year did Armstrong's spaceship land?
When did Columbus sail the seas
to put his precious Queen at ease?
And how about intrepid Scott?
I need some answers now you lot!"
I see this means that you have failed
to find where Captain Cook once sailed”
and no one knows of Francis Drake?”
The students watched the teacher shake
“I set this homework late last week
and here you are...will no one speak?”

Then one by one the students rose
the teacher raised her arms and froze.
The students spoke, their voices one
“Yes miss, the homework has been done.
In Nineteen sixty nine, in mid July
Armstrong’s rocket streaked the sky,
and during fourteen ninety two
Columbus found great lands anew.
Then Captain Cook was big down under
with so much land it’s little wonder,
and Drake, well miss, for goodness sake
he sailed the globe without a break.”

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