I Don't Know How to Feel | Teen Ink

I Don't Know How to Feel

February 14, 2014
By McKail BRONZE, Mt.Carmel, Illinois
McKail BRONZE, Mt.Carmel, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I myself are made of flaws stitched together with good intentions.<br /> -Augusten Burroughs-

I don't know what to feel anymore.
Is this life still worth living?
I'm fighting so hard to survive, but is this what I want?
I feel like I'm fighting in a war that I'm forced to be in.
I can't help but wonder what is it that keeps me going.
I have nothing left to live for.
My heart is beyond fixable.
I've been to the edge and then pulled back to safety.
I was only pulled back to be thrown over the edge.
I found that what I thought was worth fighting for would never fight for me.
Maybe things do get better.
They do say it's always darkest before the dawn but the dawn is only the calm before the storm.
I have yet to give up for the hope that things will change, but that hope is fading fast.
Happiness is nothing but a word.
I'm living for others until I can find a reason to live for me.
Maybe it's not the right way to live but I guess it's better than giving up.
I still don't know if this life is worth fighting.
I know someday I will figure it out but I hope someday doesn't come too late.
I don't know how to feel but numbing the feelings will have to do for now.

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