What If... | Teen Ink

What If...

February 17, 2014
By brynmorgan__ SILVER, Liberty Township, Ohio
brynmorgan__ SILVER, Liberty Township, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I saw you, I fell in love; and you smiled, because you knew.

What happens if we
Take a pause?
Take a minute
To love our flaws?

Stop a second,
Take a breath?
Find a moment
To cheat our death?
To wait for the air
To leave our chests?
To find a place
Where our hearts will rest?

What if we just
Learn to smile?
Learn not to walk
But run a mile?
Learn to find
Our inner child?
Learn to stop
And laugh a while?

What happens if we
Fall in love?
With a partner,
A friend,
A gift from above?
One that fits us
Like a glove?

What if that love
Becomes a romance?
What if they make us
Get up and dance?
Abandon all reason and
Take a chance?
Raise our heart rates
And leave us entranced?

What happens if we
Wait a minute?
Observe this life
And the beauty in it?

Take a moment
To cheat our death?
Fall in love
And take a breath?

Learn to smile
And take a rest?
Stop and realize
That we are blessed?

What happens if we
What's next?

The author's comments:
Based of of someone who reminded me that life is beautiful...

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