The Golden Secret | Teen Ink

The Golden Secret

April 7, 2014
By 343shernandez SILVER, El Cajon, California
343shernandez SILVER, El Cajon, California
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Time and effort and sweat don&#039;t betray you.<br /> Only a loser will put the blame on bad luck.<br /> &quot;Miracle&quot; is another word for hard work.

When I'm with you I feel
a golden ray of sunshine cast down on me,
I am vibrant, elated.
My heart goes a-flutter
and I can't control my smile.
I'm lighter than air
and my soul longs to sing.

But you're also the reason
my mind is overflowing with fear,
why I want to hide
like a dark gray shadow.
They don't want me with you.
And I worry they'll catch me.
My mind is in a panic;
guilt crawls up my throat.
I'm remorseful because I keep this secret from them
and because you are, unfortunately and unfairly,
this secret I must keep.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for a color poem assignment in English. It was inspired by a dream that I had.

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