The Funny Sad Poem | Teen Ink

The Funny Sad Poem

April 8, 2014
By Nate. BRONZE, LeCenter, Minnesota
Nate. BRONZE, LeCenter, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As sad as a T-Rex that cant do a push-up
As sad as a kid who spills his cup
As sad as a baby without her mom
Sad as a soilder in Vietnam
As sad as a horse that cant neigh
As sad as a kid at a play ground who cant play
Sad as a puppy that nearly dies
As sad as a group of dead butterflies
As sad as a zebra with no stripes
Sad as a gangster who doesn't get in any fights
As sad as a rainbow with no color
As sad as an ant who cant get any smaller
Sad as a bunny who cant hop
As sad as a janitor who broke his mop
As sad as a cat who cant land on its feet
Sad as a sloth who cant sleep
As sad as a circus with no tent
As sad as a letter what couldn't be sent
Sad as a plane that cant fly
As sad as a girl who cant cry
As sad as a book with no pages
Sad as a psychiatrist who constantly rages
Almost as sad as a baker who burnt his bread
As sad as this poem you just read
As sad as you thinking of all of this in your head.

The author's comments:
As sad As.

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