Judging | Teen Ink


April 16, 2014
By Lexii_59 BRONZE, Brockton, Massachusetts
Lexii_59 BRONZE, Brockton, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nobody likes to fail. I want to succeed in everything I do, which isn't much. But the things that I'm really passionate about, if I fail at those, if I'm not successful, what do I have? -Eminem

How many deaths or self harming people does this world need
to realize that words hurt?
People who feel this pain, might not even show it.
Because they are afraid.
Afraid of being judged.
Pain is hidden and replaced with fake smiles.
Others judge for no reason at all.
How are we supposed to be ourselves if being ourselves,
is what gets us judged the most?
The comments and the dirty looks are what stops us
from being the person we want to be.
And the thoughts in your own head,
are what stops you from standing up for yourself
When others weigh down on you,
Because you believe what they are saying rather than believing in yourself.
The judging needs to come to an end.
And people need to accept others and themselves, for who they truly are.
Because those self harmers and those who have questioned living another day,
Are done hearing the insults from a bully.
Don't judge people you don't know.

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